Sage Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We rely on donations from people like you to help us change the world through meditation and mindfulness practices. We invite you to be a part of our mission by making a tax-deductible donation.

Click here to donate online using a credit/debit card (no account required) or your PayPal account.

You may also mail a check to: Sage Institute, PO Box 1433, Taos, NM 87571.

We bow to you in gratitude!

Fundraising goal met!

Why Donate?

In these uncertain times, the practices of meditation and mindfulness are more important than ever as the best tools we have for developing human consciousness — something our species needs desperately at this pivotal point in our history. Fortunately, in recent years — perhaps just in time — these powerful practices are becoming more widely accessible throughout the world, helping us cope with uncertainty, indignity, and suffering, and supporting our inborn capacity to live from a sense of unity, wisdom, and compassion rather than divisiveness. Sage Institute is deeply immersed in supporting this trend through our 200-Hour Meditation Leader Training Program, which teaches experienced meditation and mindfulness practitioners from all faiths and traditions to share these invaluable practices with others.

Your Impact

Thanks to the generosity from our friends and supporters, in the past year we have:

  • Provided partial and/or complete Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion scholarships for our 200-Hour Meditation Leader Training Program. Our scholarship programs and flexible payment plans have made this training more accessible for practitioners of diverse backgrounds who will carry on this work.
  • Offered multiple online meditation challenges, providing meditation and mindfulness support and instruction to hundreds of participants.
  • Facilitated free half-day virtual retreats, allowing people from across the globe to join the Sage Institute community and receive practice advice.
  • Developed innovative online courses in Mindfulness of Mind and Heart.
  • Offered new beginning and intermediate live online meditation classes.
  • Continued our ongoing free weekly public meditations live and through Zoom every Wednesday at 12pm Mountain Time. Feel free to drop in!  Zoom code:  499-493-449.
  • Provided ongoing training to graduates of our 200-Hr Meditation Leader Training Program.
  • Undertaken an exciting new project researching and creating gender-integrated Buddhist lineage charts.

200-Hr Meditation Leader Training Program, 2019, Taos, NM

 May all beings be free from suffering.